Vin Diesel Planting a Tree for Groot before doing his ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, photo from his facebook page
You may have heard that James Gunn, director of Guardians of the Galaxy, nominated Vin Diesel for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. In his video, before taking the challenge, Vin shook a tree he had just planted and challenged James Gunn to also “Plant a Tree for Groot.”
Not long after the video was posted, Vin Diesel followed it up with this photo on his facebook page of him planting his own tree for Groot.
For those interested in planting for Groot, consider growing a tree from a cutting (take a tour around google for more information) you can frequently get a cutting for free from someone with the appropriate type of tree, and with a little time and effort on your part a beautiful tree can be grown. (And for those who have already seen the movie Guardians of the Galaxy, let’s just say I think Groot would approve of the cuttings approach to planting a tree for Groot.)