Showcase Fan Expo Poster
This poster at the Showcase booth at Fan Expo is an eye-catcher, to the point I wish they were offering it as a give-away! WOW! And once again, in one image no less, they remind me why I wish I had showcase as a channel I received. Talk about one channel having show after show I love to watch.
Today I enjoyed seeing friends greenscreened into a trailer for the show Outlander at the Showcase booth, scoping out Lawkeeper Nolans’ car from Defiance (he’s got nice wheels) and checked out displays with props from Haven, Beauty and the Beast, and Outlander.
Among other highlights of our day was the Edward James Olmos panel, where he answered questions about Battlestar Gallactica, and other tv shows and movies he has been a part of, but the audience also asked him about projects that he openly admitted he did not expect to be asked about, but appreciated our interest in. His work for the environment, and with Public Broadcasting, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (PBS) in the United States. The panel alternated between moments of laughter that filled the entire theater, to very serious moments in which he discussed the entire cast of Battlestar Gallactica being invited to address the United Nations.