Tag Archives: Julian Randol

#Continuum Seasons 3 and 4

John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, discuss the third and fourth seasons of Continuum. This podcast contains spoilers for the entire series, which stars Roger Cross (currently on Dark Matter) and Rachel Nichols.

All four seasons of Continuum are currently available for streaming on Netflix.

Continuum @ IMDB.com: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954347/
Continuum @ Syfy.com: http://www.syfy.com/continuum
Liber8.com: http://liber8.com/
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts:http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:http://www.ComicBookPage.com