Tag Archives: CW

Arrow vs. Gotham

Gotham - Another Great Image (C) CW, this one found on Facebook

Gotham – Another Great Image (C) CW, this one found on Facebook

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say I want to take a moment to talk about the DC Universe currently being brought to life on the small screen.  Taking Starling City as presented in CW’s Arrow and Gotham in Fox’s Gotham as the two shows currently shining brightly and with the most episodes to date to talk about.  Yes, Flash now has two episodes out of the box, and will probably garner a few remarks, but Arrow is entering its third season, and with four very solid episodes already out Gotham has a head start on Flash in the department of world and character building.

Over the course of two seasons the CW has shown on Arrow that they can build a solid world.  Without a doubt that may be one of the show’s greatest accomplishments.  Someone who has never read the comic books (myself for instance) can come to the show, a novice when it comes to all of the characters, jump right in with the first episode, and understand virtually everything they are seeing and being exposed to.  Arrow takes the time to explain the things that need explaining, and speaks with authority about things like ARGUS so even when I am not sure what the abbreviation stands for, I am positive it holds meaning in their universe and if I needed to know, they would, in that moment at least, make sure I knew (whether or not I retain the information for the long haul).

Gotham‘s first four episodes do a wonderful job of bringing to life the complex world in which Bruce Wayne evolved from a confused boy seeing his parents brutally murdered into the man we will all come to know as Batman.  He is, right now, learning, discovering, in so many ways he is witnessing and becoming.  Directly and indirectly Bruce Wayne is being influenced by Gotham, and Gotham is helping the boy (whether it means to or not) form the foundation that will in turn create Batman.  Alfred and Detective James Gordon are solid male role models in his life.  Trying to help to understand what he is seeing, trying to explain the complexities of the world around him, and make sense of the way the adult world operates — recognizing that it is not always right, and sometimes our first instinct of what to do, what feels like an easy way to help is not necessarily the best way in which to offer aid.

Where Arrow is full of action and intensity as Oliver Queen and team Arrow take down those who have failed Starling City, Bruce Wayne feels powerless as he is forced by his age and lack of skills to sit by and watch the goings on of a corrupt Gotham.  Gotham is a show about the underside of a city, about the mob-era the inspired a boy to become so much more than it is likely anyone ever imagined he might be, and the criminals who challenged him, inspired him, and convinced him someone had to stand up for what was right, and give his city hope that Gotham could become a better place to live.

Gotham airs Mondays on FOX at 8 PM / 7 Central
Arrow airs Wednesdays on CW at 8 PM / 7 CentralArrowS03

If you haven’t already — check out our Arrow Podcasts:

 Arrow Season 2 Podcast – a spoiler filled discussion of Season 2 with John Mayo of ComicBookPage and Kay Kellam of PopArtsPlace

Arrow Season 1 Podcast – A spoiler filled discussion of Season 1 of Arrow, with John Mayo of ComicBookPage and Kay Kellam of PopArtsPlace

Current Nielsen Ratings

For those tuning in to the new television season, wondering whether the shows they love will survive, if shows they are mystified will stay on the air for reasons that baffle them, and simply trying to figure out what shows they will be watching for the next several months, the Nielsen Ratings are something they are, on some level, aware of.  After all, for decades, we have all been aware that the Nielsen’s are how the networks heard whether or not people were tuning in.  If the people do not come, the show can not stay on the air… commercials need to be seen so money can be made, it is part of the age old rhythm of the television and entertainment industry.

In the past few years things have been changing slightly — overnight ratings have been giving way to same day +1, same day +3, and same day +7 as networks recognized the saturation of DVRs in households, and tried to account for the number of people who were recording shows for later viewing.  The simple truth however, is if you record a show, and do not watch it within 1 week, you count, as a viewer, for less than those who watch it within that first week.

The issue of how the +1, +3, and +7 numbers are gathered is murky territory I will leave others to debate and discuss.  Undoubtedly some are unhappy with the two way communication going on between DVRs and providers and this real time contribution to statistics and ratings — but for others, the chance to be able to effectively vote for favorite shows is an empowering feeling.  Especially if they are viewers who have had a number of favorite shows cancelled out from under them.

So why write this article now?  The Hollywood Reporter published an article this past week, as did a few other industry publications, stating that Nielsen has acknowledge a software glitch that led to inaccurate numbers being reported — since MARCH of this year.  The glitch has been corrected, and for the past several days numbers have been accurate, and Nielsen is working to recalculate numbers for the period affected.

It is hoped that October 17th new numbers will be released, including revised numbers for the shows that have already premiered during the Fall 2014 television season.  It is hoped that the numbers will not alter dramatically, and thus far very few shows have been picked up for the entire season.

It is interesting to note that the show Unforgettable was cancelled after the glitch was announced, and before the revised numbers came out.  All of their summer season’s episodes would have aired during the glitch period, and thus be effected.  Then again, Unforgettable has been cancelled, and un-cancelled before, so perhaps CBS is unconcerned about a possibly premature decision on the show which had already been moved to the summer season because of lackluster viewership during the traditional television season.  (An unfortunate fact given the show had a fun sense of humor, and lots of entertaining moments.)

It will be interesting to see next week how the newly calculated numbers come out, and how the networks particularly feel about them.  With more and more viewers streaming shows through network websites, as well as Hulu, Amazon video-on-demand, cable video-on-demand options, and a variety of other ways of seeing shows after they have aired at their appointed times, traditional same-day and overnight ratings numbers have decreased in significance, and the new numbers may be forced to reflect the +7 facts as well.

#WWAustinCC Podcast – 2014

John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, talks with Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, about Wizard World: Austin 2014, panels we attended and discuss include:

A panel on how to know if you are ready to enter the professional writing arena, and the avenues open to you. Presented by K.M. Tolan, a published SF/F author with Champagne Books, the discussion will be a Q&A format dealing with all aspects of fiction writing and how to break in to today’s market.

Con Radio is a brand new podcast service that covers all things pop culture – from movie & TV news to comic reviews, action figures to pro wrestling, the scary to the geeky! Join us for the latest recording of Con Radio’s premiere program “Con SMASH,” featuring special guests to be announced, prize giveaways and more, hosted by Mo Lightning (Voice of Wizard World, WrestlingAudio.com) and Aaron Sagers (Editor At Large of Blastr.) Learn more by following us @radioforgeeks and @consmash.

Christopher Judge, Teal'C of Stargate SG-1

Christopher Judge, Teal’C of Stargate SG-1

You have seen Christopher Judge in Stargate SG-1; The Dark Knight Rises; Stargate: Continuum; Stargate: The Ark of Truth, and have heard his voice as Magneto in X-Men: Evolution. Join him in his very own Wizard World panel where he shares stories from his career and will take questions from you!

COMICS PODCASTING AND BLOGGING  – recorded as a podcast, available next wednesday, October 15, 2014
This panel will focus on podcasting and blogging as it relates to comics and comics culture. Panel participants (John Mayo, Derek Royal and Cole Houston) will come from different perspectives of comics reading – mainstream, alternative, indie – and have varying experiences in covering comics reviewing, comics analysis, and comics/pop culture news. This will be an informative panel, providing a how-to introduction to those interested in podcasting and blogging about comics culture. Panelists will strongly encourage audience questions and participation, since much of the purpose of the panel is to inform and encourage audience members interested in social media as a platform to sharing ideas about comics and pop culture.

Starling City can feel a little bit safer with Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance) around to help protect its citizens. Join the star of the hit CW show, Arrow, as she discuss her part on the hit show, share a detail or two about the upcoming season, her exciting roles outside of Arrow & much more!

See a video of Katie Cassidy talking about the Salmon Ladder — and whether or not she could handle doing it — on youtube at http://youtu.be/ce2dMHKjHlI

Come see the original Green Power Ranger, Jason David Frank live on the Wizard World stage. Don’t miss your chance to ask your questions in this special audience Q&A session and learn more about his reality TV show My Morphin Life.

From comedy to drama to fantasy, Rebecca Mader can do it all! You’ve seen her in The Devil Wears Prada, The Men Who Stare at Goats, Ceremony, The Big Bang, Iron Man 3, and most recently in Once Upon a Time as the as delightfully evil and compelling Wicked Witch of the West. She joins us for her very first Wizard World panel where she’ll share stories from her career and turn to YOU for questions!

HOW TO START YOUR OWN PODCAST AND KICK ASS AT IT  – recorded as a podcast — available now.
Sit down with a group of local podcasters and learn the complete technical and creative process of starting your own podcast. How to find your own style to stand out amongst all the others and make it last. Whether you want to start a podcast or have no idea what a podcast is, this is sure to be the panel to see! Hosted by David Martinez (Loitering And…), Damon Miller (The Pop Pod), William Howser (Zombie Life Podcast), Angel Mascareno (The Pop Pod) and Michael Holland (Loitering And…)   This panel was recorded as a podcast and can be heard at http://loiteringand.libsyn.com/loitering-and-comic-con-panel

Comics and graphic novels have come into their own as subjects worthy of—indeed, demanding—attention from academia. Historians and cultural theorists teach courses, hold conferences, and publish books on various aspects of sequential art. Colleges and universities teach courses in comics as literature and social history as well as how to make them. Here, to give an overview of various ideas about and approaches to comics studies (and to answer the question “Why teach BATMAN in college?”) is a cross-section of comics scholars and teachers, including: Jackson Ayres (Texas A&M University), Sam Cannon (University of Texas at Austin), Andrew Friedenthal (St. Edward’s University), and Aaron Delwiche (Trinity University). The panel is moderated by Derek Parker Royal (The Comics Alternative).  This panel was recorded as a podcast and is available now at http://comicsalternative.com/on-location-academia/

Arrow Asks Katie Cassidy QuestionLinks:
Wizard World: Austin: http://www.wizardworld.com/home-tx.html
Convention Awareness Project Texas
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts: http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/

Email us at TheGuys@ComicBookPage.com

Join the discussion on our forum at: http://forum.comicbookpage.com

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page feed and  website:http://www.ComicBookPage.com

A Very Super(Hero) Year on Television

Gotham - Another Great Imagine (C) CW, this one found on Facebook

Gotham – Another Great Image (c) CW, this one found on Facebook

There are a LOT of potentially great shows coming out on television this season.  Part of me wants to write about each and every one of them, and in time I hope to.  Another part of me is trying to figure out the how and when to cover each.  Tonight another episode of Gotham will air, tomorrow the Flash will zip onto the air with it’s first solo episode (if you missed Barry Allen’s many appearances on Arrow last season I do not anticipate you will feel you missed anything, that being said, I do recommend them as the show did more than merely give the Flash a backdoor pilot, but rather took the time to give a sense of the man and his personality so he would be a familiar persona when his own series hit the air) and Wednesday Arrow will launch it’s third season on the CW.

One of the truly great things about Arrow, is not just that the show sparkles on the screen, with the hero taking down those who have “failed” his city, but the lead actor Stephen Amell has a passionate and good heart, and is helping his fans find a way to fight for what they believe in — helping people with Cancer and Cancer research currently being the primary beneficiary of all that good intent.

Stephen Amell wearing Represent shirt raising money for Cancer Charity.

Stephen Amell wearing Represent shirt raising money for Cancer Charity.

Many actors talk a good game, and put on a good face — but Stephen Amell, during the month leading up to the Season 3 return of Arrow, raised, with the help of his fans, roughly one quarter of a million dollars (yes, as in $250,000) for a Cancer charity by selling shirts, hoodies and other items featuring a design Amell had challenged his fans to design and vote on.    According to the site 21354 items were sold, with 100% of the funds raised going to the charity.

At Fan Expo in Toronto when talking about a Raffle Stephen Amell had run to raise money for a family whose young daughter is battling cancer, Amell was very clear about the fact it is his fans raising the money, his fans doing this good deed, his fans who deserve the thanks, and that he feels very fortunate to be a part of all this good work — but he is aware that without the fans none of this would be possible.

Amell’s mother went through Breast Cancer, I believe while the actor has been on Arrow, and after her experience this is clearly a very personal cause to him, but he also has a very clear understanding that people dealing with Cancer want to take back some power in their life, want to embrace their victories, and he is rapidly becoming a fierce champion and Hero to those with Cancer in their lives, or those of their loved ones.

Superheros have long been near and dear to the hearts of those who needed a champion, someone to help them fight the battles that seemed impossible, or more than they could handle alone.  With these raffles, and the Represent.com campaign Stephen Amell has embraced some of the best qualities of his hero character and brought them out into the real world.

For two seasons we have watched Amell play a publicly irresponsible playboy who was privately fighting for what was right, and along the way learning a great many lessons about what it means to be a hero, and in the process he was as an individual coming out of a dark place.

The Flash is a show that, from the beginning, looks like it will be following an idealistic man who believes in doing the right thing, in wanting to be more than he is and using it for good, which as a show may serve as a counterpoint to Gotham which seems to feature a great many villains and what, based on the behinds-the-scenes and first look materials released before the show, appears to be an almost Al Capone-ish era of Gotham City.

Don’t mistake me, I believe Gotham and The Flash will be equally entertaining shows, but with vastly different color pallets and feels to them, showing different periods and aspects of life DC Universe, and the three shows combined may well remind audiences that while Marvel is currently dominating on the big screen, the DC Characters have more to them than many recall when put on the spot and first asked to talk about them.

Gotham airs Mondays, 8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT on Fox
The Flash airs Tuesdays 8:00-9:00 pm ET/PT on The CW
Arrow airs Wednesdays 8:00-9:00 p.m. ET/PT on The CW

Flash CW sml

The Flash features: Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash, Candice Patton as Iris West, Rick Cosnett as Eddie Thawne, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon, with Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Wells, and Jesse L. Martin as Detective Joe West.


Arrow features: Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Arrow, Katie Cassidy as Dinah “Laurel” Lance, David Ramsey as John Diggle, Willa Holland as Thea Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Colton Haynes as Roy Harper, John Barrowman as Malcom Merlyn, and Paul Blackthorne as Detective Lance.

chronicle_gotham_carousel-carousel-1400x386Gotham features: Ben McKenzie as Detective James Gordon, Donal Logue as Detective Harvey Bullock, Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney, Sean Pertwee as Alfred Pennyworth, Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin, Erin Richards as Barbara Kean, David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne, Camren Bicondova as Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman, Zabryna Guevara as Captain Sarah Essen, Cory Michael Smith as Edward Nygma/the future Riddler, Victoria Cartagena as Renee Montoya, Andrew Stewart Jones as Crispus Allen, and John Doman as Carmine Falcone.

Check out the facebook page for the Cancer Charity Stephen Amell and his fans raised so much money and awareness for:

Stephen Amell raised funds, and awareness, for a Cancer Charity throughout September of 2014

Stephen Amell raised funds, and awareness, for a Cancer Charity throughout September of 2014

Make sure to give a listen to the joint PopArtsPlace.com and ComicBookPage.com podcasts for Season 1 and Season 2 of Arrow, and let us know what you think, and if you are interested in podcasts about Gotham, The Flash, or any other shows or movies.