John Mayo, of ComicBookpage, was part of the Comics and Social Media panel at Wizard World Austin 2014 along with Derek Royal ofThe Comic Alternative podcast and Cole Houston of the Hey, Kids, Comics! podcast.
During the panel they answered a lot of questions about how to create a podcast — how to find your voice, what software to use, how to distribute a podcast, a lot of the nitty gritty information people interested in contributing to the world of podcasting might be interested in knowing. They also discussed how they came to be podcasters themselves, and what they feel they bring into the landscape of podcasts.
From the Austin Comic Con 2014 Guide:
This panel will focus on podcasting and blogging as it relates to comics and comics culture. Panel participants will come from different perspectives of comics reading – mainstream, alternative, indie – and have varying experiences in covering comics reviewing, comics analysis, and comics/pop culture news. This will be an informative panel, providing a how-to introduction to those interested in podcasting and blogging about comics culture. Panelists will strongly encourage audience questions and participation, since much of the purpose of the panel is to inform and encourage audience members interested in social media as a platform to sharing ideas about comics and pop culture.

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page feed and website: