Tag Archives: Comic-Con International

Comic-Con International: 2016 – Part 2

John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, talk about their adventures at Comic-Con International 2016 in this second part of the two-part Comic-Con 2016 coverage.

Comic-Con International: http://www.comic-con.org/cci
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts:http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/

Email us at TheGuys@ComicBookPage.com

Join the discussion on our forum at: http://forum.comicbookpage.com

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:http://www.ComicBookPage.com

Comic-Con International: 2016 – Part 1

John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, talk about their adventures at Comic-Con International 2016 in this first part of the two-part Comic-Con 2016 coverage. (Part 2 will be released next Friday, August 12, 2016.)

Comic-Con International: http://www.comic-con.org/cci
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts:http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/

Email us at TheGuys@ComicBookPage.com

Join the discussion on our forum at: http://forum.comicbookpage.com

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:http://www.ComicBookPage.com

Person of Interest

John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, have a spoiler filled discussion about the Person of Interesttelevision series which recently concluded.

NOTE: There were problems with the audio recording for John’s side of the conversation which have been fixes as much as possible. While John can be heard, the audio isn’t that good.

Person of Interest television show @ IMDB.com:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839578/
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts:http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/

Email us at TheGuys@ComicBookPage.com

Join the discussion on our forum at: http://forum.comicbookpage.com

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:http://www.ComicBookPage.com

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San Diego’s Comic-Con International is Coming!

It’s rapidly approaching that time of year again, when over 100,000 people, including John Mayo of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, gather in San Diego and create their own unique, if temporary, realm of Pop Culture … I’m not even sure what word to put here.  For some this is a form of Mecca, for others it is simply a form of controlled chaos they can not imagine their lives without.

Two years ago John and Kay sat down to talk about what they felt it was worth knowing before attending Comic-Con, and created a Podcast titled the Comic-Con Quick Start Guide.  A great many of the points in that podcast remain relevant from one year to the next… so… it feels like an appropriate time to repost that podcast, and help folks start preparing for the annual gathering of creators, fans, vendors, publicists, spectators, and folks who are grateful to live in the modern age of technology that helps so many people bring the fruits of their imaginations into our lives.

Comic Con Quick Start 2014 [58:11m]: Download

John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, give some useful advice to get your Comic-Con international experience off to a quick start.


Comic-Con International: http://www.comic-con.org/cci
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts: http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/

Email us at TheGuys@ComicBookPage.com

Join the discussion on our forum at: http://forum.comicbookpage.com

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page feed and website: http://www.ComicBookPage.com