Tag Archives: Comic Con Box

LootCrate – April 2015

John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, open up the April 2015 LootCrate, with a theme of Fantasy, and discuss the contents.

LootCrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/
Kay’s LootCrate Referral Link: http://looted.by/cpIR-  (Use Save3 code to Save $3 off any subscription)
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts:http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/
Wizard World’s Comic Con Box:  http://comicconbox.com/
Marvel Collector Corp:  http://www.collectorcorps.com/

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:http://www.ComicBookPage.com