When it comes to the 2014 Comic-Con International in San Diego there is, simply put, no shortage of things to do. Thousands of possibilities compete for an attendees attention over the course of 4.5 fun packed days. And the days are packed, from early in the mornings until late at night, and for those who do not need sleep, opportunities can be found around the clock.
I for one do need sleep, and can honestly say I will not be reporting on the 2 am lines, or middle of the night movies, but in past years I have heard fantastic stories of fans camping out for a beloved show and being surprised by a promotion team stopping by to give them a back pack with a logo for a show they happened to be in to, that was stuffed full of survival rations – granola bars, bottles of waters, everything a die hard fan needs to get through the wee hours until he lines starts moving and the exhibit hall and main panel rooms re-open.
A short run down of things I found during preview night:
BBC America greenscreens fans into a photo of the clones from Orphan Black! Yes, you could be Cosima, and Rachel, and Allison, and Sara, and Helena — all at once, side by side.

Orphan Black – to cover even half of Comic-Con, I need to be Cloned!
Marvel greenscreens fans into the prisoner line up from Guardians of the Galaxy. (Looked to be the same one I mentioned from Capital City Comic Con — and yes, I still think that is a highlight and a stop that should be on the list of any fan of the Comic/Movie.)
Starz has a Castle where you can draw an Outlander prize (shot glass, bandanna, t-shirt, tote bag — from what I saw everyone wins!), and equally interesting, and fun, step inside the castle and take a look around at life from centuries ago.
ABC has a large building as well where you can go in and watch a trailer, and while the line was long enough I did not get a chance to go through tonight, my understanding is you draw a pin from a box at the end, and if you get a complete set of the pins, you could win a chance to go through an autograph line with stars from the cast of 1 of 3 shows. (Once Upon A Time and Resurrection were mentioned.)

Veronica Mars and Outlander fans will want to go looking for the book publishers! Random House had some nice Outlander Posters for the Starz show, as well as copies of the novel that started it all, tonight, and across the way I found this clever little promo item for Veronica Mars.
And over at the Marvel booth, Lola from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was on display on the main stage… though Lola will only be posing for photos through Friday evening.

Lola – Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.