@ScorpionCBS goes undercover in COSTUME on #SuperFunGuy set! #ZanyZoe #TheGiggler Tonight at 9pm ET/PT @ScorpionCBS, @ElyesGabel @katharinemcphee @AriStidham @JadynJWong @robertpatrickT2 @Alana_DeLaGarza
The season may feel barely under way to many, but for the show Scorpion the heroes have already been trapped on a submarine, gone to Cuba and faced their version of Kyrptonite, and lost what was looking to be a very promising new boss at Homeland Security.
Maybe taking a turn in actual superhero costumes will calm life down a little… or perhaps, Scorpion simply likes their high octane episodes.
Official CBS Website: http://www.cbs.com/shows/scorpion
Scorpion Episodes on the CBS Website
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Scorpion on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3514324/
Cast on Twitter:
Elyes Gabel @ElyesGabel
Jadyn Wong @JadynJWong
Ari Stidham @AriStidham
Robert Patrick @robertpatrickT2
Katharine McPhee @katharinemcphee