Tag Archives: Ari Stidham

Con Man Season 1

Con Man Screen_Shot_2015-09-16_at_9.38.49_AM-77de8511e9c2efe7495232ff56accf93John Mayo, of ComicBookPage, and Kay Kellam, of PopArtsPlace, have a spoiler filled discussion about the first season of Con Man.

Con Man television show @ IMDB.com:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4642170/
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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:http://www.ComicBookPage.com

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@ScorpionCBS goes undercover in COSTUME on #SuperFunGuy set! #ZanyZoe #TheGiggler Tonight at 9pm ET/PT @ScorpionCBS, @ElyesGabel @katharinemcphee @AriStidham @JadynJWong @robertpatrickT2 @Alana_DeLaGarza


The season may feel barely under way to many, but for the show Scorpion the heroes have already been trapped on a submarine, gone to Cuba and faced their version of Kyrptonite, and lost what was looking to be a very promising new boss at Homeland Security.

Maybe taking a turn in actual superhero costumes will calm life down a little… or perhaps, Scorpion simply likes their high octane episodes.

Official CBS Website: http://www.cbs.com/shows/scorpion
Scorpion Episodes on the CBS Website
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScorpionCBS
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScorpionCBS
Instagram: ScorpionCBS
CBS Tweet: https://twitter.com/CBSTweet
Scorpion on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3514324/

Cast on Twitter:

Elyes Gabel    @ElyesGabel
Jadyn Wong   @JadynJWong
Ari Stidham   @AriStidham
Robert Patrick   @robertpatrickT2
Katharine McPhee   @katharinemcphee

Scorpion on CBS

Scorpion is, in some ways, an incredibly simple premise, and yet it has wonderful potential, perhaps because of the uncomplicated nature of the premise.  Simply put, it is the story of socially awkward geniuses working with homeland security to solve the security problems facing modern America, and working with this group is one woman, the mother of a genius, who helps them interact with the world.

Scorpion is a show about the ultimate think tank that stands between America, and those who would threaten our country. Billed as a high octane show, the premise is full of potential for action packed scenes, tense moments that come down to the wire, but also drama that will pull at the heart strings and hit the emotional core of the audience as potentially very real characters deal with the kinds of threats the audience does not want to ever imagine could be real.

And in the first episode, watch for Alimi Ballard (Numb3rs) and Ernie Hudson (Ghost Busters and too many other appearances to count).

Tune in to the series premiere of SCORPION, Monday, Sept. 22 (9:00-9:59, ET/PT), on the CBS Television Network.

And keep up with the show on-line:

Official CBS Website: http://www.cbs.com/shows/scorpion
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScorpionCBS
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScorpionCBS
Instagram: Scorpion_CBS
CBS Tweet: https://twitter.com/CBSTweet

Cast on Twitter:

Elyes Gabel    @ElyesGabel
Jadyn Wong   @JadynJWong
Ari Stidham    @AriStidham
Robert Patrick    @RobertPatrickT2
Katharine McPhee    @KatharineMcPhee