If you are a Rizzoli and Isles viewer than Frankie may have struck you as familiar, and not just because he does an adorable younger brother to Angie Harmon’s Jane. Frankie Rizzoli is played by Jordan Bridges, son of Beau Bridges (who you might recognize from any one of his 175+ acting credits) and Julie Bridges, grandson of Lloyd Bridges (remember any of his over 200 acting jobs?) and Dorothy Dean Bridges (her 6 acting credits span 7 decades).
In 2002 Us Weekly was taking note of a next generation of Hollywood talent, in the form of the children of those we already knew and loved – -and Jordan Bridges caught their eye.

Jordan Bridges, with his dad Beau, in a 2002 issue of Us Weekly.
Rizzoli and Isles airs Tuesdays on TNT.