Christopher Judge, Teal’c of Stargate SG-1
For many fans Christopher Judge will always be the stoic Teal’c of SG-1, the lead team of the Stargate franchise.
Over the weekend at the Wizard World Comic Con in Austin, Texas, Christopher Judge’s sense of humor shined through as he shared with fans stories from the filming of the Stargate movies The Ark of Truth and Continuum as well as The Dark Knight Rises in which he performed alongside Christian Bale and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
After 45 minutes of laughing and fielding questions from the audience Christopher Judge leaned over to tell the moderator he had a little something he wanted to end the panel with… a few seconds later Christopher Judge was explaining he had brought with him a script from an episode of Stargate that he would like to auction off to the fans in the room. It was an unexpected turn of events. He gave a quick explanation that his kids are in school in California, where funds for the arts programs are being cut, that he wanted to do an auction where all of the money would go to the arts program at his kids school, and he was quick to say that he did not know if Texas was a state that had made a similar decision, but this was something he could do to help a school that he knew was suffering as a result of that decision, and he hoped everyone was doing what they could for the schools in their community.
It was particularly nice to see an actor using a keepsake from his work as an artist to raise money for kids and art programs in the schools, and it was a reminder that this was an issue that at one time was a hot button being talked about every time I turned around, and now I hear very little about it. Admittedly I have no children in school, and the issue does not relate to me personally, but Christopher Judge reminded me this is something I care about, and want to know about.
After the auction Christopher Judge came down from the stage, gave the winner a big hug and thank you and signed the script to him. It was, without a doubt, one of the most upbeat and positive endings to a panel I have ever seen at a convention.
Christopher Judge @ Twitter.com – https://twitter.com/iamchrisjudge