Power Morphicon 2014 Shout! Factory Live Streaming
Shout! Factory offered live streaming of portions of Power Morphicon yesterday. For those who were unable to attend this Power Rangers centric convention here was a chance to catch a glimpse of the fun they were missing. To catch a few of the Question and Answer sessions, to see backstage chats with some of the talent, and realize just how much they wished they had been able to attend in person — and start making plans to attend next time.
For those who missed the live streaming, check out Shout’s Youtube channel coverage (scan through and look for interesting moments! Around 1:06:33 it starts up):
At San Diego’s Comic-Con International the cast of Super Megaforce was available for interviews, and when John Mayo and I arrived for our turn, microphones in our bag and a few questions in mind, we saw an interview already in progress — with a video camera focused in on these charismatic young actors, and the very questions we had in mind being asked.
It was one of those moments where you stop and think, and realize those actors are going to be just as kind to us, and give us just as great answers… but why put them through the exact same questions a second time, when Francis Sky of First Comics News has just done such a fun job of it, there was already so much energy captured in moving pictures, and we could highlight him, and his site, as well as this great show, and it’s cast? Yeah, you guessed it, we quickly decided the actors time was better spent getting fresh and different questions from other people — and our readers would be very entertained checking out Fracis’ interview: Power Rangers Super Megaforce at Comic-Con 2014.